Contact Us

Thank you for contacting the Virginia Beach Student Leadership Foundation. To help us answer your question most efficiently, please reach out by filling out the contact form or via our email listed below:

Location: Virginia Beach, VA

Email: [email protected]

Employer Identification Number (EIN): 85-0840202

If you would like to receive updates and announcements from the foundation, sign up here.

Contact Form

Unleash Potential. Shape Tomorrow. Invest in VB's Future Leaders.

Unleash Potential. Shape Tomorrow.
Invest in VB's Future Leaders.

Imagine a Virginia Beach where young minds brimming with potential become empowered changemakers. The Virginia Beach Student Leadership Foundation makes that dream a reality. Our programs cultivate leadership skills, foster self-belief, and unlock scholarships.

Become the spark that ignites their potential

Please consider making a donation to the Virginia Beach Student Leadership Foundation.